Please consider joining the Whispering Oaks Swim and Recreation Club. Membership not only provides you with unlimited access to the beautiful pool and recreation area but helps to maintain your property value as a well-maintained recreation club is an asset to the neighborhood. Every penny of your membership money is spent on facility maintenance and upgrades. All of the people involved in running the club are volunteers – and yes – we each pay full membership fees. Many of us have pools in our own yard, but we purchase memberships to contribute to the neighborhood.
Note: a Whispering Oaks Membership includes access to The Tennis Park.
If you wish to purchase an After-Hours Key Fob you must download and sign this Registration, Waiver & Release form to bring with you when you pick up your key. After-Hours swimming is a supplemental program designed for members who may wish to swim outside the regular hours when life guards are not provided (swim at your own risk!). Only registered After-Hour swimmers are permitted to use the pool for this purpose. If you are signing up online you can read the agreement and consent on the following page.
Contact Molly Bailey at to pickup your fob.